Scania on a mission to find professional drivers

The idea:

Together with Scania we were on a mission – to find one thousand professional drivers with valid licenses and invite them to sign in for Scania Driver Competition. We had to reach an unreachable audience. So we started with a simple story – one of a brand that changed transportation 100 years ago and was going to do it again today. We did it. No, actually we overdid it. Because we had over a thousand registrations and after the initial launch with five stories, Scania asked us to keep going throughout the whole year.

The challenge:

The target audience was very specific – drivers with professional licences willing to participate in Scania Driver Competition.

The insight:

We knew that professional drivers read our website, so we had to find them among our millionth audience.

What we did:

We organized the campaign in two different phases. Firstly, we started targeting all the audience that was interested and engaged with the articles related to trucks in our automotive section. Then we developed articles, especially for the brand Scania and their innovations in the business. After that, there was time for the special project. We developed a specially designed landing page part of We used the look & feel of the brand in order for the consumer to completely dive into the world of Scania. With native banners on this page, we were promoting the brand’s Driver Competition. And we succeed. We reached the goal of Scania and even overperformed.


  • 1.3KApplications
  • 2min.Average tme spent
  • 10KPage views