World Culinary Cup ’22 – Smells like a derby

The key ingredient was our culinary star who worked in many Michelin star restaurants – chef Nikola Stoyanov

The idea:

For 10th year now, we have created a special culinary project for, inspired by the World Football Cup. The idea is the following, we have created a culinary tournament that matched the calendar and the actual rival games of this year’s football World Cup 2022. Each country that participates in the world cup is presented by its traditional dish. Users had to vote each day, choosing who will win each day’s derby by choosing their preferred dish . The mechanism was the following, whichever country wins the voting, wins the derby and goes further in the qualifications.

Our goal was to create excitement for the users, who sense the emotions around the World Cup 2022, but don’t really feel a part of it, because they are not hardcore football fans.

What we did:

We have created a special platform with 32 video recipes where each user could vote for the best dish. Our main face of the project chef Nikola Stoyanov – a famous Bulgarian chef, who has worked in many Michelin restaurants around the world, cooked all the traditional recipes of the countries that participated in the actual football World cup.

Besides the amazing recipes that the users could find in our platform, we additionally have triggered their excitement with more than 65 prizes. By registering every day and voting, the user could have won a lot of different prizes.

  • 46kRegistrations
  • 120kImpressions